The following definition was written centuries ago but it’s still true…“Baptism is intended to be, to the person baptized, a sign of their fellowship with Christ in His death and resurrection, and of their being grafted into Christ, and of the remission of their sins. It also indicates that the baptized person has given themselves up to God, through Jesus Christ, so that they may live and conduct themselves in newness of life.”
- A rewriting of the Westminster confession from 1646

The word baptism comes from the Greek word baptizo which means to immerse or dip. To baptize something, then, means to completely submerge it in a liquid. In a biblical sense, to baptize a person in water means to put that person completely under the water, then immediately raise him or her up again.

Five important things to consider regarding baptism by theologian, Wayne Grudem-

1.    Baptism is a symbol of salvation, not the means of salvation. Eph 2:8-9

2.    Baptism is a symbol of cleansing from sin, not the means of cleansing from sin. 1 Peter 3:21-22; Acts 15:8-9

3.    Baptism is a symbol of our total identification with Christ in His death, burial, and resurrection. Romans 6:1-18

4.    Baptism is a symbol of our identification with the church. 1 Cor.12:13

5.    Therefore, baptism is restricted to believers.

Some quotes from respected Christian teachers

“Baptism separates the tire kickers from the car buyers.”  ~ Max Lucado

 “We may never be martyrs, but we can die to self, to sin, to the world, to our plans and ambitions. That is the significance of baptism; we died with Christ and rose to new life” ~ Vance Haver

 “God’s people should be baptized because God commanded it, not because some church requires it.”  ~ John R. Rice

 “Baptism is an outward expression of an inward faith.” Watchman Nee

What does Water baptism signify?

When God baptizes you into Christ, you become a new creation in your spirit, not in your body which continues to grow old and eventually die until the Resurrection (John 6:39-40). It is on the inside- in our identity and inner person that everything changes at the point of salvation. Your heart is washed clean through Christ’s sacrifice, and your spirit is made alive by the Holy Spirit. You now have the ability to communicate with God, hear His voice, love and obey Him, overcome sin, and walk out your salvation by faith.

So, water baptism symbolically identifies us as new creations in Christ. By going down in the water, we illustrate that our old man is dead to sin and buried by faith in Christ. As a result, we are free from our old master Satan. By being raised up out of the water, we show that our new man is raised by the Spirit and made alive by faith in Christ.

Since our new Master is the Lord Jesus, we commit to a life that pursues righteousness through this new and living way which is empowered by the Holy Spirit, rather than the- ‘do whatever we want to do’ way of life.

Baptism, then, is a public declaration of your allegiance to Christ and his ways in the expectation of one day being raised from the dead with a new resurrected body!

“If the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit who dwells in you.” Romans 8:11 (ESV).

What Baptism is not!

Baptism is NOT about winning God’s favour or to earn his acceptance.

Check out these scriptures… Romans 4:2-5; Romans 11:6.

Baptism is NOT about spiritual regeneration or salvation!

Check out this scripture…John 3:5

(The word ‘water’ here is not about baptism, but is in regard to the breaking of the waters when one is born!)

Baptism is NOT done to become a Christian! A Christian is someone who has heard the good news of God’s love; responded in faith (trust) to the Gospel message by repenting of living life their own way. God now dwells inside the new believer…Romans 8:9

Baptism is NOT done to be part of the local Church.

Check out this scripture… I Cor. 12:13

Is Baptism necessary for salvation?

The Bible tells us that there is a baptism necessary for salvation; however, it is not water baptism! A person must be spiritually baptised into Christ in order to be saved: “For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ.” Galatians 3:27 (ESV). At the moment of repentance and faith in Jesus Christ a person is “having been buried with him in baptism, in which you were also raised with him through faith in the powerful working of God, who raised him from the dead.” Colossians 2:12 (ESV)

Water baptism is not essential for salvation. You see, salvation is and always has been about faith in Jesus Christ. You must be "baptised into Christ" in order to be saved; however, this is not the same as being "baptized in water."

Water baptism is purely an outward sign of God's cleansing work in a person's heart, and is therefore meaningless without a prior spiritual baptism into Christ.

Is Water Baptism Important?

As a first step of obedience in walking out one's faith, a new Christian should most definitely be water baptized because the Bible commands it! Furthermore, water baptism helps new believers understand the spiritual truth that according to their faith, their old man is dead in Christ and their new man is alive in Christ. “We know that our old self was crucified with him in order that the body of sin might be brought to nothing, so that we would no longer be enslaved to sin.” Romans 6:6 (ESV)

Who should be water baptised?

Water baptism is only appropriate for those who have repented of their sins and believed in Jesus with all of their heart. A biblical example comes from Acts 8:36-38 (ESV). “And as they were going along the road they came to some water, and the eunuch said, “See, here is water! What prevents me from being baptized?” And he commanded the chariot to stop, and they both went down into the water, Philip and the eunuch, and he baptized him.”

Disciples of Jesus in the New Testament church were baptized to proclaim their total allegiance and commitment to Jesus, regardless of the consequences. For a first century Christian, this meant identifying with Christ even unto death, since many of them faced severe persecution.


Let's look at some other examples of water baptism in the New Testament:

• John the Baptist baptized those who would repent (Mark 1:5).

• On the day of Pentecost, 3,000 new believers were baptized (Acts 2:41).

• The Samaritans that believed were baptized (Acts 8:12).

• Paul was baptized 3 days after he met Jesus on the road to Damascus (Acts


• Cornelius and some other Gentiles were baptized (Acts 10:47).

• Lydia and her household were baptized (Acts 16:15).

• The Philippian jailer and his household were baptized (Acts 16:33).

• Many Corinthians were baptized (Acts 18:8).

• The Ephesian disciples were baptized (Acts 19:5).

All the biblical accounts agree: water baptism is for those who believe. “Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.” Mark 16:16 (ESV)

Yes, even a young person who is old enough to understand the significance of repentance and faith in Jesus can be baptized. At Lifehouse we want to make sure there is a level of maturity to comprehend what is going on, and that will be different for each young person.

Is it biblical to baptise babies?

No, there is no scriptural basis for infant baptism. How can you be baptized into One on Whom you do not believe? Baptism is an act of faith by one who chooses to identify his life with Christ, and a baby is not yet able to make such a choice.

Is it okay to be baptised more than once?

A new believer should be baptized once in obedience to the command of Jesus. We don’t generally recommend being baptised again, however some people may have been baptized earlier in their life (such as in the case of infant baptism) without understanding the significance of baptism, or perhaps they did not truly repent and receive Jesus as their Savior. In such cases it is very important to be re-baptized as a public profession of faith.

Also, a backslider (prodigal son) who has returned to Jesus may want to be baptized again, which is appropriate as long as he understands it is not necessary for his salvation and will not make him any more spiritual than someone who was baptized once.

Remember that water baptism itself does not save anyone; rather, water baptism is a public, outward demonstration of a person's repentance and saving faith.


Water baptism is a profession of faith in Jesus Christ. Although water baptism in itself does not save, it does identify us with Christ: “For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body— Jews or Greeks, slaves or free—and all were made to drink of one Spirit.” 1 Corinthians 12:13 (ESV)

When God baptizes you into Christ, you become part of the Body of Christ, which is the worldwide family of God. Thus, water baptism is not a meaningless ritual or even a mere duty; it is an awesome privilege for the child of God.

So how does baptism happen at Lifehouse?

At Lifehouse we have a unique Sunday services where you can be baptised in a heated tank. At this service you will be given the opportunity to bring a brief (3-5 minute testimony about how you came to Christ, or of your intention to live for Christ.) This is such a precious time for the congregation to hear your heart!

You will be assisted into the tank by the baptiser and a helper. The baptiser will ask you a couple of short questions to be sure you are ready for this important step:

1.    Have you placed your trust in Jesus Christ as the only means of your salvation?

2.    Do you intend to follow Jesus all the days of your life?

If the answer is yes to these two questions we would then say something to the effect of, “On the basis of your confession of faith, I now baptise you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”

You would then be fully immersed in the water. (Don’t worry we haven’t lost anyone yet!)

Things to remember for the day

  1. Bring a change of clothes and a towel (we have a private bathroom upstairs to change in.

  2. Wear modest clothing- think about what garments might be see through when wet! Ahhh that could be embarrassing!

 Click the hyperlinks to Other Scriptures concerning baptism

Acts 16:31-33; Acts 8:26-40; Colossians 2:12; Mark 16:16; Matthew 28:19-20; Galatians 3:27


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to someone about being baptised at Lifehouse